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We have always vinified only grapes from our own lands, cultivated following agricultural principles and techniques which over time are getting closer and closer to organic farming methods. The harvest is done by hand in September, when the fruit is ripe on the plant and has completed its development in a balanced way.

The fermentation of the grapes takes place in steel vats with the possibility of temperature control and with medium-long macerations (15-20 days). The best grapes are carefully selected every year to obtain a very high quality, natural wine with minimal sulphite content.

"Savoring the wine produced on this farm and in these lands means tasting a fragment of history and tradition, continuing to give life to a centuries-old production and contributing to the existence of a company that has taken part to the formation of a territory and its landscape and has always been a point of reference for the citizens who live there and for the families who have worked there."

frutti dal vigneto più

Azienda Agricola San Pietro di dr. Maria Teresa Mazzarosa

Operational headquarters: Via per San Pietro 41, San Pietro a Marcigliano – Capannori, Lucca

Tel.+39 3298533227


OPENING HOURS of the cellar:

Thurs 2.30pm - 6.30pm

Organize your tasting in the cellar! Or request home delivery and in the city of Lucca.

Contact us for info via e-mail or telephone.

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